BrowserAutomationStudio (Windows)

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BrowserAutomationStudio - Why You Should Download It

If you are a developer, you are probably aware of Browser Automation Studio (BAS). This is a tool that lets you automate certain browser actions. You can use the software on windows, ios, or even android devices.

As a developer, you may find yourself performing repetitive tasks. In this case, having the right tools can save you a lot of time. And in turn, you can concentrate on the most important tasks.

BAS is free to use. However, you can also purchase a paid version. The main difference between the two is that the free version doesn't include all the features. Besides, the free version isn't suitable for selling scripts.

The software is based on Chromium and Internet Explorer. It allows you to open any web page, run its functions, and perform any task. Moreover, it supports proxy operation, cookies cleaning, and the DOM model.

Another feature of BrowserAutomationStudio is the ability to create applications. You can create your own social network apps, spammers, and parsers, as well as applications for other platforms. Creating applications in the software is like creating a macro in Microsoft Office.

To make sure that your application is working in all browsers, you can test it across multiple browsers. By doing so, you can be assured of a smooth experience for your users. Additionally, Browser Automation helps in building better quality software.

Using BrowserAutomationStudio, you can record arbitrary code on javascript, compile it into a project, and then run it. You can add as many steps as you want, move them around, or delete them.

by Bablosoft
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Auto Macro Recorder

Auto Macro recorder is a great software application for recording different operations, such as document creation, document editing, batch editing, and others. You can record all operation logs to an excel spreadsheet automatically, and then you can edit and replay the spreadsheet to customize the recording sessions. This application can also record voice commands that are given by a human operator. Auto macro recorder can be downloaded free of charge from the internet. All you need to do is to go to a specific website and download the application. Installation instructions are included in the software download. Auto macro recorder is easy to use. It has been developed in a very user friendly way, allowing the users to use the application without having much knowledge about computers. Moreover, the user can create and edit multiple Excel sheets, as well as running multiple Excel macros with ease. Auto macro recorder will also record voice commands in the form of scripts to automate various activities. Auto recorder has also a feature called automatic file duplication. If you wish to save more files in your hard drive, this application allows you to create duplicate copies of the same file without any problem. This is very useful for data archiving purposes. You can easily transfer the duplicate files into another hard disk. There are a number of features available in the software, but if you want to have a complete automation solution, you need to buy Auto macro recorder for your PC. The software has an online demo mode. You can choose the demo version of this application and see how it works, so that you can get a better feel of its functions.